
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

'The Winter Sea' by Susanna Kearsley

Genre: Historical Fiction that captures the time-period wonderfully and pulls you into the story!
Author: Susanna Kearsley
About (from Sourcebooks)
Carrie McClelland came to Scotland to research her next book. Renting a cottage in the same town where her story takes place, Carrie embarks not only on her novel, but on a romance with her landlord's handsome son, Keith Graham. When the boundary between past and present begins to blur, Carrie finds herself channeling memories not her own. Pulled deeper and deeper into the memories of the past, Carrie realizes these visions are more than the means to another bestselling novel, but also way to right the wrongs of the past and create a future with the man whose love is her destiny.

My thoughts:
This book literally pulled me in from the very first chapter. I was enthralled with the setting and the main character is someone I wanted to be friends with. I envied her ability to be able to travel for her work and to actually visit the places that appeared within her novel. I loved the whole concept of genetic memory....this is something that I believe can actually occur. The way the author wrote the story kept me very much involved in the current day and also in the past. She wove the two story lines together seamlessly and I was sad to see the story end, especially because I realized that I was a little bit "in love" with two of the male characters and I really didn't want them to leave. This book had it all: romance, intrigue, mystery, historical fiction, kick-ass location, and a storyline that made me not want to put the book down. 'The Winter Sea' is on my top reads list for 2010 !

P.S. Before you read this or are thinking of reading this one..visit Susanna's website and look at her pictures from Scotland. These are the places that sparked her writing!!!

Rating: 5/5
* I will be reading Susanna Kearsley's other books for sure in 2011.

Thank you to Danielle @ Sourcebooks for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review.
My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.
They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel.
SourceDanielle @ Sourcebooks, Inc Publicity
Author: Susanna Kearsley
Published: December, 2010
Publisher:  Sourcebooks Landmark
Pages: 576
Genre: Historical Fiction
ISBN: 9781402241376
  © 2010, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Sigh. My wish list is growing so long!

  2. great review--I'm sure I would be pulled in right when I looked at the cover. It is a beautiful book.

  3. Hmmm. You've made this sound very intriguing.

  4. The only thing I did not like was one thing at the end..the sad thing :(
    But the rest, yay, and the men *sighs* were men!

  5. I am sooooo tempted to put the book I am reading now down and pick this one up. It is calling me from the stack.

  6. Wow! Sounds like a very good book. Just added to my wishlist. Thanks!

  7. Hooray! Hooray! Another Susanna Kearsley fan! Staci, her other book, Mariana, was at the top of my fav list and Winter Sea knocked it down to second place! So glad you enjoyed it.

  8. Oh, and one more very important thing I forgot to mention.....Kearsley is beginning a continuation, of sorts, of The Winter Sea, picking up with one of the characters and writing about her life. I think you know who I mean.

  9. Whenever I look at pictures of Scotland I totally want to go there. What a beautiful place! And either the people are really romantic or they only expose romantic people in their fiction to the rest of us! :--)

  10. Yes, Yes, this is it. Thanks for the wonderful review because I'm getting this one right now with my voucher!

  11. Oooh-la-la, I can't wait to read this!

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh this sounds REALLY GOOD! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  13. This sounds great Staci; loved your review and want to read more historical novels in 2011. great job

  14. Scotland is one of those places that has always spark a romantic flare for me, so the setting alone would be something I would love. But the whole genetic memory thing certainly is intriguing. Great review.

  15. Nice! I can't wait to read this one. I had a copy on reserve at the library but didn't pick it up in time (ugh).

    I will be back blogging on Saturday - my parents are napping, I'm sneaking in a quick internet peak!

    Happy New Year!

  16. You have been picking some great reads lately Miss Staci! Tempting me to continue to add to my wish list. This sounds wonderful!

  17. This looks like my type of book. I'm having a little love affair with Scotland right now so I'm adding this to my list.

  18. I am so jealous! :) I want this one as I've read such wonderful reviews of the book so far!!

  19. This is the book that I have been pimping to everyone I know for the last couple of years! Always glad to find another new fan!

  20. I just read and loved this book too! I've been longing for years for somebody to write a book that scratches my Mary Stewart itch (which reminds me -- it's time to read THIS ROUGH MAGIC again...), and this one did it beautifully. I'll definitely be looking for more Kearsley in future.


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