
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Saturday Snapshot- Fun in the Sun

Saturday Snapshot
It’s easy to participate – just post a picture
that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

Matt and I took our new "old" boat out on Lake Huron and had an absolute blast! We went down to Port Huron and made it to the Blue Water Bridge! We stopped a few times and cooled off in Lake Huron. I'm here to tell you that is was COLD! But it was so refreshing and we were like little kids with a new toy!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Beginner's Goodbye (audio)- Bookish Thoughts #33

What The Beginner's Goodbye is about:

Anne Tyler gives us a wise, haunting, and deeply moving new novel in which she explores how a middle-aged man, ripped apart by the death of his wife, is gradually restored by her frequent appearances—in their house, on the roadway, in the market.

I couldn't wait to get to this book because Diane@Bibliophile By The Sea, gave it 5 stars! When I saw it in audio form at my library, I decided to listen to it instead! I am here to confirm that her five star rating was right on and I think the audio comes close to being perfect too!  I found myself at times laughing at the pictures Aaron's words created in my mind, and other times feeling his sorrow so much that it hurt. The title of this story is wonderful and I feel that it ties the whole book together in regards to what Aaron did for a living and how he tried to go on living after the loss of his wife.

Recommend? Absolutely and without hesitation! This will be one of my favorite audios to date because I loved the humanity of the story and the sheer exquisiteness of Tyler's words. She writes with such an ease and allows the reader or listener in this case, to lose themselves within the pages of her stories of ordinary people experiencing grief and starting over.

Source: Public Library
Narrator: Kirby Heyborn- He did an excellent job and I felt that he captured the essence of Aaron.
Length of audio: 6 hours and 22 minutes

Bookish Thoughts #33
© 2012, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Casting Off- Bookish Thoughts #32

What Casting Off is about:
On a tiny island off the west coast of Ireland, the fishermen's handmade sweaters tell a story. Each is unique-feelings stitched into rows, memories into patterns. It is here that Rebecca Moray comes to research a book on Irish knitting. With her daughter, Rowan, accompanying her, she hopes to lose herself in the history of the island and forget her own painful past. Soon, the townsfolk's warm embrace wraps Rebecca and Rowan in a world of friendship, laughter, and love.

I found this little gem of a  book on my library's sale cart and for .50 cents how could I go wrong? The cover alone made me stop and take notice. After reading the back and finding out that the setting was Ireland, I was sold! There wasn't one part of this book that I didn't like. The characters are all there and so are their personalities. I swear every book that I read where the people go to the pub, knit, and are fisherman have me chomping at the bit to get my passport and board this next flight to Ireland and never come home!!!

Recommend? No question...yes! For me I'm always looking for stories that allow for character growth and keep me engaged with the storyline. I was totally immersed into the stories behind the creation of the gansies (sweaters) and the different designs that are knitted into them. This book made me wish time and time again that I grew up learning how to knit! Perfect way to spend a few days and left me wanting to read more from this author!

Source: Purchase from library sale cart

Bookish Thoughts #32
© 2012, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Intros- Sea Change

Every Tuesday, Diane @ Bibliophile by the Sea
 posts the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book
 she decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s).
 Feel free to grab the banner and play along!

My pick this week comes from a review copy that I can't wait to get to later today, Sea Change by Karen White.

St. Simons Island, Georgia
September 1804
Storms bring the detritus of other people's lives into our own, a reminder that we are not alone, and of how truly insignificant we are. The indiscriminating waves had brutalized the shore, tossing pieces of splintered timber, an intact china teacup, and a gentleman's watch--still with its cover and chain--onto my beloved beach, each coming to rest as if placed gently in the sand as a shopkeeper would display his wares. As I rubbed my thumb over the smooth lip of the china cup, I thought of how someone's loss had become my gain, of how tide would roll in and out again as if nothing had changed, and how sometimes the separation between endings and beginnings is so small that they seem to run together like the ocean's waves.

Would you continue reading this one
 based on the opening paragraph?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

Mailbox Monday 
is a gathering place for readers to share the books that
came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. 
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Our June Host is Burton Book Review

Say Nice Things About Detroit- ebook review copy courtesy of Edelweiss and publisher.

Hosted by
We discuss the books that we've read 
and what we're planning to read for the week.

Read and reviewed last week: 
The Age of Miracles- just an okay dystopian read for me.
Happy Hour- very enjoyable and solid read
Gone Girl- I'm a bit in love with this book right now!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!

Books I will be talking about this week:
Casting Off-Wednesday
The Beginner's Goodbye (audio)- Thursday

In my book box:
Right now I'm working my way through my summer review list and an occasional library book.
  • Sea Change
  • Ocean Beach
  • All the Truth
  • The Flight of Gemma Hardy

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday Snapshot- Sunrise

Saturday Snapshot
It’s easy to participate – just post a picture
that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

I got up with my son today (Tuesday, June 19th) to see him off for work because I knew it was going to be a scorcher with temperatures 95 but heat index of 100+ and I wanted to make sure his lunch bag was packed with essentials! When I took the dogs out the color of the sunrise was this amazing orange  and I tried to capture it as best as my little camera could. It still doesn't do it justice!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gone Girl- TLC Book Tour Review

What Gone Girl is about: 
On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick Dunne’s clever and beautiful wife disappears from their rented McMansion on the Mississippi River. Husband-of-the-Year Nick Dunne isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but hearing from Amy through flashbacks in her diary reveal the perky perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. 

After I finished this book, I wondered how in the world I could adequately review it and not spoil one darn thing for any of my friends. I like to be quirky and different sometimes in my reviews so below is a little peek of what was going through my mind as I was reading one of the stellar reads of the year for me!!!

  • Are you kidding me? He (Nick) is such a jerk...egotistical freak!!
  • Amy's parents are so twisted and yet, she seems so normal. I like her.
  • It's what time??? 12:30 a.m.  ...okay, I have to turn my Kindle off and go to bed. But no one better want anything done tomorrow. Seriously, I have to get back to Nick and Amy!!
  • Would the dogs quit looking at me? You can't possibly have to go potty! I just took you out at 6:00 am....looking at clock- 11:30 am. Well, I guess you guys can pee again, but be quick about it because I have a book to read!!
  • Mom, what's for dinner???????? Who in the hell just asked me that question? They will suffer! How dare anyone request that I move from my seat outside. The last time I checked everyone had fingers and opposable thumbs. Open up the bread and make a pb&j for goodness sake!! 
  • Honey??? Can you come here for a minute and help me? WHY????? Can't you lift the 200 pound plow by yourself??? Why in the HELL did you decide to do that right now. Can't you see that I'm reading!! I'm reading!!!!
  • Oh, Gillian you tricky little writer you. I love how you mess with my mind! Damn, you are good! 
I loved this book! Absolutely, loved it! I was lucky and stumbled upon Gillian's first book a few years ago and thought it was amazing. She has another winner on her hands with Gone Girl. I fell for every trap she set up and wasn't sure who to believe or trust....and that's what I love about her stories!! I was immersed into the story and by the free flow of consciousness above, you can see that I didn't want to be bothered by anything.....nothing!! I raced through the story and then when I read the very last paragraph I screamed!!!!!!! But in what context? Well, read the book and get back to me! 

P.S. Dear Gillian- get your smart little tushy back to the computer and write me another story!!! Or else... insert evil smiley face here!!

Source: TLC Book Tour and publisher
Genre: Freakin' awesomeness Suspense and Creep Factor Fiction
Pages: 432
Published: June 5, 2012

About Gillian Flynn

GILLIAN FLYNN is the author of the New York Times bestseller Dark Places, which was a New Yorker Reviewers’ Favorite, Weekend TODAY Top Summer Read, Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2009, and Chicago Tribune Favorite Fiction choice; and the Dagger Award winner Sharp Objects, which was an Edgar nominee for Best First novel, a BookSense pick, and a Barnes & Noble Discover selection. Her work has been published in twenty-eight countries. She lives in Chicago with her husband and son.

Disclaimer:Thank you to TLC Book Tours for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel.

Review Book #17
© 2011, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Hour (Kindle Freebie)- Bookish Thoughts #31

What Happy Hour is about:
Every woman has that group of friends in her life ~ her "go to girls" The friends that she can turn to who "get it." The ones who are there for you no matter what. The ones who laugh with you and cry with you. The ones that will always be there. These are the women of Napa Valley.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. I think I suffer from some misconception that the "free" books are not always the highest caliber of writing or story. I can honestly say that I've been proven wrong! The author wrote a very readable story with a great plot, depth, and characters that you could really identify with and root for during their tough moments in life. I was lucky to have been able to read and discuss this with a group of women who are just as varied as the four women in this novel. We all felt some type of connection to one or more of the characters and could easily empathize with their heartaches! The best part of this book was that the women came together every Sunday to eat, drink wine, and share. I really liked that type of bonding and friendship!!

Recommend? Absolutely! Especially to those that love books that are about women, friendship,  love, heartache, and realizing life-long dreams. And it's a steal for $2.99!!

Source: Free Book for my Kindle

Bookish Thoughts #31
© 2012, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Age of Miracles- TLC Book Tour Review

What this book is about:
On a seemingly ordinary Saturday in a California suburb, Julia and her family awake to discover, along with the rest of the world, that the rotation of the earth has suddenly begun to slow. The days and nights grow longer and longer, gravity is affected, the environment is thrown into disarray. Yet as she struggles to navigate an ever-shifting landscape, Julia is also coping with the normal disasters of everyday life—the fissures in her parents’ marriage, the loss of old friends, the hopeful anguish of first love, the bizarre behavior of her grandfather who, convinced of a government conspiracy, spends his days obsessively cataloging his possessions. As Julia adjusts to the new normal, the slowing inexorably continues.

I finished this book in one day because I fell into an easy rhythm of Julia's story and for the most part is was pretty simplistic. When I finished it, my reaction was just one of eh, that was okay but nothing remarkable really happened. I mean, yes, Earth's rotation slowed down, and gravity really put the big bad spell on everyone, but the author never conveyed the sense of any urgency that I felt the story called for .  And for me that was clearly something I needed in order to buy the whole scenario that was proposed.....URGENCY and CERTAIN DOOM!!

Recommend? If you're a fan of dystopian novels then I think you may just enjoy this one. I did really like Julia and I thought the story could have been stellar had the author ramped up the seriousness of the whole situation. Everyone just acted as if this happened every day, no biggie! I needed more intense repercussions from the slow down, maybe some violence..real and gritty. So, I'm on the fence with my recommendation. However, there are many bloggers on this tour, so please do yourself a favor and make sure you add some other reviews into the mix! 

Source: TLC Book Tours
Genre: Dystopian Fiction
Pages: 288
Published:  June 26, 2012

Disclaimer:Thank you to TLC Book Tours for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel.

About Karen Thompson Walker

KAREN THOMPSON WALKER holds an M.F.A. from Columbia University and is an editor of fiction and non-fiction at Simon & Schuster. The Age of Miracles is her first book.
For more information about Karen and The Age of Miracles, please visit the book’s website,, and Facebook page.

Review Book #16
© 2011, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

Mailbox Monday 
is a gathering place for readers to share the books that
came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. 
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Our June Host is Burton Book Review

All the Truth- review copy courtesy of Erin @ Penguin.

Hosted by
We discuss the books that we've read 
and what we're planning to read for the week.

Read and reviewed last week: 
Nothing- I reviewed nothing, however I did post about my feelings in regards to expectations from authors which I felt created some great conversation! Thanks to all who stopped by and left me feedback! 

Books I will be talking about this week:
Happy Hour- a freebie from Amazon Wednesday
The Age of Miracles- TLC tour stop on Tuesday
Gone Girl- TLC tour stop on Thursday

In my book box:
I finally finished my Fifty Shades trilogy and it left me wanting more but this time from Christian's POV!! 
  • Sea Change
  • All the Truth
  • The Flight of Gemma Hardy

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday Snapshot

Saturday Snapshot
It’s easy to participate – just post a picture
that was taken by you, a friend, or a family member and add your link on Alyce’s site.

This nest was built atop my Christmas wreath that I accidentally (not really, I love the lights but my husband makes fun of me) left on the front door! Imagine my surprise when I looked up one day to see a robin sitting on top of the wreath! I had to sneak up there to take a picture of the eggs when she left. I love the color of robin's eggs!!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Fitness- Update #1 in 2012

Has two weeks went by already? I wish I had stunning news to share with you in regards to great weight loss, awesome recipes, and clothes fitting better. But I don't. What I can tell you is that being on the road is not conducive to losing weight!! My husband and I have been all over Michigan these past two weeks looking for our new camper. With that comes lots of time in the car and yes, you guessed it...eating out! I didn't weigh myself at home so I'm just going to say that I have stayed pretty much the same. I need to get my scales out ( my initial weight I posted 2 weeks ago was the scale at work) and post that on here later tonight. I'm just too lazy right now to get it out of the basement. Nice place for it though, don't you think???

New things I discovered:

  • A very cool app that you can use on your phone, computer, iPad, ...whatever you want! This is called My Fitness Pal and I just started using it today. One of the things that I noticed right away was how easy it was to use! Makes adding your food not quite the hassle and there's no excuse not to do it! Added bonus- it's free!
  • Losing weight with friends makes the journey a lot easier!! With this app, I have other friends who are using it and we can check in on each other to cheer on the weight loss or we can also stick a foot up someone's butt when they haven't logged in for a while!! I like that!! 
  • I must not go over 1200 calories, 192 carbs, 46 g fat, 52 g protein, 28 g. sugar and 2500 g. sodium. I love how this app takes care of my totals and at a glance I can curb my eating immediately. I have already failed in the sugar department though. It was my Maple and Brown Sugar oatmeal that tripped me up! I'm removing that from my breakfast foods immediately!!
  • 173 pounds posted 6/1/12
  • same weight but will post what I weigh on home scale

Thursday, June 14, 2012

What? You didn't care for my honest review?

I was going to post a review today but an email (she received an email from an author that she was afraid to open because of a negative review she posted on HER blog)  I received from a fellow book blogger made my wheels start turning in my brain and I just felt the need to write about something that has been bothering me for a's who don't like what you posted about their book!

I normally tend to stay far, far, away from controversial goings on in the bloggersphere. I don't like to judge other bloggers and wouldn't want them judging me. There are hundreds of book bloggers and we are so diverse that I feel there is room for everyone and every review style. Many are very in-depth and really like to dig into the meat of the books, while others are short, sweet, and to the point. But the one thing that we all have in common is that author's, agents, and/or publisher's contact us to review books. Most bloggers do NOT get paid for their reviews, but I do know that ALL of us invest a lot of time reading the books and then writing reviews for our blogs. What the author gets in return is an honest assessment from the most important person out there....THE READER! Most of us blog because of our love for the written word and to tell our friends about an amazing book that they MUST read. We also look out for each other, because our time is PRECIOUS (do you hear that?? it is PRECIOUS TOO!!) and with our honest reviews a fellow reader might avoid a real time sucker that doesn't pay off in the end.

I have only had one terrible experience with an author. She contacted me...I did NOT contact her. The book was sent, I read it and for the only time in my blogging career, I was late with the review. My dog, Bruce had just died and I could not do anything. Needless to say, she wasn't too pleased that the review didn't go up on time. So she sent me an email. I responded telling her what had happened but also informing her that my review would not be a recommendation. She then asked me NOT to post my review but to instead just highlight her book...WTF?????????????????????? At that point I didn't care, I just wanted her off my back, so I did what she asked of me. But when I responded to comments, I told all of my readers that her book read like a bad Lifetime Movie! A few days later I was looking at her reviews on Goodreads and a light bulb went on in my head. She had almost all 4 or 5 stars for every review. I'm not a rocket scientist but it didn't take me too long to add 2+2= unfair average review rating and misleading content to the Goodreads audience. That whole experience left a dirty taste in my mouth and with a BAD ATTITUDE towards certain review copies.

Here are my HARD LIMITS (ha! had to sneak some Fifty Shades of Grey references in here!!) on what I will or will NOT say on MY blog!
  • No matter what...I will be honest! 
  • If I pick your book up from the library or my personal book shelves and hate it, I will write what I please. Most of the time, even if I hate it, I'm pretty decent.....most of the time.
  • If I'm sent a book for review and I don't like it, I will be nice about it.Do not expect anything more
  • It's my blog, not yours.
  • If you're not sure about me, then don't bother initiating contact. Trust me, I will survive.
  • Don't even think about sending me a chastising might not like what I send back in return.
So in closing, the real purpose of this post is to put down in writing my philosophy about review requests and expectations. It may sound as if I have a bit of a grudge against authors. That is the furthest from the truth. I have issues with expectations from some authors, not all. There are many people that are NOT their true selves on the internet. That isn't the case with me. I am true to myself, my fellow book bloggers, publishers, and authors. I will never compromise my core beliefs and my integrity by posting a positive review of a book that I did not like.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Intros- Simply Irresistible

Every Tuesday, Diane @ Bibliophile by the Sea
 posts the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book
 she decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s).
 Feel free to grab the banner and play along!

My pick this week comes from a book that came highly recommended from Sheree @ The Eclectic Reader. She thought I would really enjoy this series and the steamy romance! Must be because we both have enjoyed our reading of Fifty Shades series!!

Maddie drove the narrow, curvy highway with her past still nipping at her heels after fourteen hundred miles. Not even her dependable Honda had been able to outrun her demons.

 Would you continue reading this one
 based on the opening paragraph?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday...What Are You Reading?

Mailbox Monday 
is a gathering place for readers to share the books that
came into their house last week and explore great book blogs. 
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.

Our June Host is Burton Book Review

The Flight of Gemma Hardy- TLC Tour book for July 9th, copy courtesy of publisher and TLC.

Hosted by
We discuss the books that we've read 
and what we're planning to read for the week.

Read and reviewed last week: 
Reckless (Reviewed by Ryan) - didn't deliver in the end.
After the Fog- was just an okay read for me.

Books I will be talking about this week:
Happy Hour- a freebie from Amazon
Not sure if I will get anything else reviewed. My husband has monopolized my time from Wednesday of last week until 9:00 pm Sunday evening. I haven't had time to read blogs, comment on blogs, or to read period!!! 

In my book box:
Geesh! I am still reading book 3 in the Filthy Fifty Shades trilogy. It is my husband's fault that I have not completed this book! I'm actually really enjoying it!! After I finished that one I have to get to some review copies for TLC tours.
  • Age of Miracles
  • Gone Girl
  • The Flight of Gemma Hardy

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Pioneer Woman: From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels (audio)- Bookish Thoughts #30

What From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels is about:
Read along as I recount the rip-roaring details of my unlikely romance with a chaps-wearing cowboy, from the early days of our courtship (complete with cows, horses, prairie fire, and passion) all the way through the first year of our marriage, which would be filled with more challenge and strife—and manure—than I ever could have expected.

The Three Reasons Review is a simple way to get your thoughts out there about a book.  The reasons are as follows complete with fancy button:

1.) Reasons you chose this book
I've been reading Ree's blog for a number of years and even bought one of her cookbooks. I liked the person behind the blog and was interested in knowing more about her.

2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book
10 hours of Ree's voice was almost more than I could take. By about disc 6, I was contemplating throwing the whole audio box out the window, until I realized that I didn't own it and the library would charge me a huge fine!! If I had to hear her go on about her damn Anne Klein jeans or being a stuck-up city girl one more time I could have throttled her. So, I guess you can see that I really didn't care for the audio version of this book at all.....not one dang bit! Aw shucks! I hated hearing about her projectile vomiting when she was sick from flying. Did I need to know what color (chartreuse) her vomit was after she gave birth to her first child??? Did I need to know about the nurses cleaning up her nether regions??? Is she some type of livestock? By the way....who says nether regions???? Whatever!! Her voice is annoying, she is annoying, Marlboro man being referred to as Marlboro man if FREAKING annoying, being a city girl stuck out in the fields of no where is annoying, oh golly how will I survive without my designer brands was annoying.

3.) Reasons you are recommending this book
I'm not. Unless of course you adore Ree and can't get enough of her voice. Which by the way you would think that the author reading their own work would have some type of inflection and personality while reading their own words....wouldn't you? Well, she doesn't. What a horrible experience. I should have thrown it out the window!

P.S. I sat back and reviewed this thinking to myself that I was pretty harsh. I contemplated softening it up a bit, but then decided to just let it rip! 

Source: Public Library

Bookish Thoughts #30
© 2012, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

After the Fog by Kathleen Shoop

What After the Fog is about:
In the steel mill town of Donora, Pennsylvania, site of the infamous 1948 "killing smog," headstrong nurse Rose Pavlesic tends to her family and neighbors. Controlling and demanding, she's created a life that reflects everything she missed growing up as an orphan. She's even managed to keep her painful secrets hidden from her loving husband, dutiful children, and large extended family.When a stagnant weather pattern traps poisonous mill gasses in the valley, neighbors grow sicker and Rose's nursing obligations thrust her into conflict she never could have fathomed.

The Three Reasons Review is a simple way to get your thoughts out there about a book.  The reasons are as follows complete with fancy button:

1.) Reasons you chose this book
I said yes to a review copy of this one because I loved the author's earlier book, The Last Letter, and was excited to read her sophomore creation.

2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book
I was very interested in the subject matter of the book and love to read stories that are based in fact. I found myself to be very engaged into the story until around 3/4's of the way through the book and then I just became tired. I have to say too, that I felt all the swearing (I am not a prude by any means) by Rose just felt wrong and I didn't buy into that coming out of a woman's mouth during that time period. A couple of times, sure. But pretty much every encounter with this character....nope. I honestly felt that there was too much going on and it bogged the whole thing down for me. I will admit that I skimmed the last 50 pages or so....sorry!

3.) Reasons you are recommending this book
I really think that sometimes my reading goes off-kilter because of my mood at the time I'm reading the book. For whatever the reason, I just couldn't keep my head in the story. I loved the whole visiting nurse aspect of the story and actually found the mill and the deathly fog interesting. I just wish that the author would have cut the story by about a hundred pages and tightened up the plot.  But with all of that being said, I would read another book by Kathleen even though this one didn't work for me.

Rating: 7/10

Author: Kathleen Shoop
Published: May 8, 2012
Publisher: Create Space
Genre: Historical Fiction
Source: SparkPoint Studio

Disclaimer: Thank you to Kim and SparkPoint Studio for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.They are my personal reflections based solely on MY experience while reading this novel. 

Review Book #15
© 2011, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.