
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Midnight on Julia Street' by Ciji Ware

Synopsis from Goodreads:
TV reporter Corlis McCullough's investigation of a century-old mystery involving spectacular 19th-century buildings under the threat of the wrecker's ball brings her back into the orbit of her old college nemesis King Duvallon. But now they're mature and companionable, and King shows Corlis a fascinating, hidden side of New Orleans society. Then she begins to be pulled back into the past where corruption, violence, and greed mirror the events of the current day.

The Three Reasons Review is a simple way to get your thoughts out there about a book.  The reasons are as follows complete with fancy button:

1.) Reasons you chose this book
I've never read anything by Ciji Ware and after reading multiple bloggers rave reviews of her books I thought why not!

2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book
Liked: I loved the setting of the book. New Orleans is one place that I would really like to visit. There is so much history there and it has that feel of the French blended with so many other cultures. I also liked how the author weaved her story between the past and present.  I found it intriguing how certain smells could put Corlis into a trance-like state and take her back in time. 
Didn't Like: Way too much calling people "Sugar" and too much of Corlis going on about being called 'Sugar'! Annoying to say the least. I also felt that there were too many characters to try to keep track of in the present time and then trying to link them up to their ancestors in the past!! Confusing and at times, I was totally lost.

3.) Reasons you are recommending this book
It was an okay read for me. Honestly, there were times when I just flipped a few pages and moved on because I found the story dragging in parts. I would say that if you're a huge fan of Ware's then you'll probably read this one regardless of what I think. I do know that I have two other books by her that my fellow blogging friends adored so I will read them. And I'd also like to add that I'm starting to come up for air after losing my dog Bruce in mid-August and I honestly feel that has something to do with my lack of enjoyment for this book. I don't want to do any disservice to the author's work....the history part of this book was fantastic. I just wanted less characters (or a chart to follow) and less sugar!!!

Author: Ciji Ware
Published: August 2011
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark 
Genre: Historical Romance/Fiction

* Uncorrected ARC

Disclaimer:Thank you to Beth@ Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.They are my personal reflections based solely on MYexperience while reading this novel.

© 2011, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Love the setting. New Orleans, here we come!

    P.S. Hope your new puppy (?) is helping you with Bruce :)

  2. I think I would be on the fence with this one too!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I wondered about calling everyone "Sugar" as well! Do try her other book, they are much better.

  4. Totally agree that I want to go to New Orleans AND that the Sugar thing would annoy the %&$# out of me! :--)

  5. Sorry this one didn't really do it for you. Yeah, that "Sugar" thing would get annoying if you are reading a lot of dialogue. It seems a lot of people in the south call others "Hon" but in everyday life it doesn't seem annoying. That's just the way it is. I loved Ware's Cottage by the Sea but this one doesn't sound like one I would pursue.

  6. Now I'm a bit torn as to whether or not I should read this one. I loved Ware's A Cottage by the Sea but didn't care for Island of the Swans. Maybe I'll just put it at the bottom of my TBR?

  7. Nice balanced review, Staci. Ciji Ware's Cottage By the Sea was fantastic and I am currently enjoying her wonderful Island of the Swans.....Midnight on Julia Street, in my opinion, wasn't her best, but still the historical background and storyline about the free people of color was interesting.

    P.S. Is Daisy your new baby? Precious!! When we got our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel three years ago I SO wanted a girl puppy to name Daisy (I wanted a little dog collar with a daisy on it...cute, huh?) We wound up with a little boy pup and the kids chose "Buddy" Buddy it is. :)

  8. Daisy is adorable!

    I read Ware's Island of the Swans and thought it was pretty good. A tad long, but I enjoyed it overall. Not sure I'll read this one, though.

  9. Do you have a new puppy? I wasn't to impresses with "A Cottage by the Sea" so I don't think I'll read another book by her.

  10. I have a couple of Ware's books (on the Kindle) and look forward to reading them. Sounds like Cottage By the Sea is one to read first! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one.

  11. I've read a lot of great reviews of Ware's work, but, after your review, I'm not sure it's for me.

  12. I did like her other book more, Perhaps cos this one was in two eras. But I did like all the sugar ;)

  13. I have another one of her books on my tbr list (Midnight On Julia Street). Too bad you didn't love this one. The cover is so pretty. I won't rush out and grab this one then.

  14. I love books set in New Orleans, but I'm not in the mood for this right now.

  15. I read this one years ago but don't remember the sugar thing. I think many of her books have more characters than needed, so be prepared :) Still love her though!

  16. That cover is stunning and the setting sounds good as well.

  17. Have read a lot books set in the Big Easy and am always fascinated by how often the setting becomes a huge part of the story, almost like another character. Sorry that the story itself dragged.

  18. Sorry this didn't work for you but as always a very honest and fair review.
    So who is little Miss Daisy up there? She is freaking adorable!!!!

  19. My comment is about Daisy, not the book. :)

    Adorable! Can't wait to hear about her personality as she gets bigger. I hope she fits in with no issues.

  20. I'm still looking forward to reading this one even if you didn't love it :) Thanks for your honest thoughts as always!


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