
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday Snapshot - wet and cold Homecoming Night!

Saturday Snapshot
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Marc and his girlfriend, Shelby were the Junior Representatives for this year's Homecoming. The weather was horrible! The wind was blowing, the rain was slanted (literally), and the field was muddy as you can tell by looking at Marc's pants!! His team was victorious with a hard fought battle over their rivals for the Division Title. We won 6-0 and it was a nail-biter! Marc played one of his best defensive games ever and Shelby looked beautiful the next night at the Homecoming Dance. You can't see her pretty dress because it was pouring out and all the girls were covered up! Marc is waving to my nephew and NEW daughter-in-law who braved the weather, and a grueling 2.5 hour drive!! One of the best nights of the year!


  1. Yay for winning :D
    But yes the weather looks horrid

  2. What a great picture! You can tell how much fun they are having in spite of the rain! Are you the laundry-doer for all that mud?!!!

  3. Too bad it was raining so hard when all the girls were so dressed up. They look happy though!

  4. Don't they look cute? I bet it was a fun time even with all the rain. We braved a few games like that. My husband told of some games he played in where they slipped and slid from one end of the field to the other. He said he'd have mud in his ears, his nose, just everywhere.

    Loving sharing the fall football with you, Staci! Tell Marc and Shelby they looked great!

  5. Gosh to be that young and vibrant again. Cute couple

  6. They look like two of happiest young people I've ever seen! I can't help but smile :)

  7. Gorgeous young kids! And you can certainly see the glow of their excitement in the photo...and the mud just adds that touch of realism.

    Thanks for sharing.


  8. BEAUTIFUL!! That photo just makes me SMILE!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  9. A big CHEER for an excellent CheerER!

  10. Ah, memories of Homecoming. I went to a high school that had fantastic community support at our sports events, and especially Homecoming. Too bad about the weather, but looks like it was wonderful anyway :)

  11. Too bad the weather was so awful. Great photo though, they look so happy.

  12. It sure doesn't look like they minded the weather LOL

  13. Great to be reminded to enjoy the special moments in life - even if it is muddy and pouring rain! That's what this picture made me think of - they look so happy. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I can see the happiness despite the weather. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Sorry for the horrible weather but so glad they were winners!

  16. The look of joy on marc's face is priceless! He looks so happy...what a cute couple. Congrats on the win! The weather has been rainy and cold here also but the sun finally is out today.

  17. Hurray for the win! And they look like they're having a great time despite the weather.

    Here's my Snapshot:

  18. They look so happy and sweet! What a wonderful night despite the weather. :)

  19. Yay for the win, but boo for the rain! Glad they had a good time the next night, though. Cute photo.

  20. Great win, great memories, and great photo.

  21. Don't you wish you could bottle that joy!

  22. So awesome for you. Nothing more important than family.

  23. I know it was a crazy night and the weather didn't cooperate, but I love this photo of you two. A great mom and son moment.


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