
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First Chapter~First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, Diane @ Bibliophile by the Sea
 posts the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book
 she decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s).
 Feel free to grab the banner and play along!

My selection for this week is Cross Currents by John Shors. I've read so many wonderful reviews of his work and John sent me an autographed copy of this title. I will be reading this one in November...for your viewing pleasure I also added a video that John created for his book. Enjoy!

  Saturday, December 18
  Lek opened his eyes, though his body remained as still as the gecko on the ceiling. He watched it, as he often did, admiring its patience, aware of its seemingly perpetual hunger. The creature was the length of his forefinger, and the color of mahogany. Lek enjoyed gazing at the gecko, though he was jealous of its speed. If a moth landed nearby, the gecko moved as if lightning filled its veins. Yet in the absence of insects, the gecko was without motion, a silent sentinel that protected Lek's home from airborne invaders.

Would you continue reading this one based on the opening paragraph?


  1. I almost picked this book for my intro last week. I like that intro and will definitely read this book.

    Thanks for joining in and hope we both love this book.

  2. I see the word gecko... so YES! I would keep reading... I know that sounds weird... but I have a thing for gecko's! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. I haven't read any books by this author yet, but I have a copy of this one. Hope to get to it soon. We have friends who've lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand for many years. Such a lovely book trailer. One of the most beautiful I've seen. Thanks for sharing, Staci!

  4. Based on the opening paragraph, probably not. BUT since I've read such good reviews for his books, I want to read one.

  5. I have this sitting in my tbr stacks and really want to get to it soon. I may have to sneak it in front of some review books.

  6. I do like that opening. It just grabs my attention and I can picture the gecko clinging there.

  7. Good opening, I would keep reading. Plus I love the cover.

    Here's my teaser tuesday:

  8. Most of the geckos I see on my pool cage down here are green and they NEVER move at lightning speed. Lol! I love the cover on this one and that would entice me to at least pick up the book.

  9. I'd pick the book because of the paragraph, the cover, and also because I've lived in Thailand (though not in the south where the tsunami hit). On my wish list!

    Do lottery winners’ lives always end in tragedy? See : my Tuesday teaser

  10. Loved this book! But then you already know that.

  11. I'd keep reading just because of the enticing book cover. I could sink into it. Here's Mine

  12. Not the most compelling opening, at least to me, but so many people have loved his books that I'd keep reading knowing it would get better.

  13. The first paragraph didn't grab me but the cover and certainly the gorgeous video did.

  14. It takes a lot to stop me continuing with a book, I think I must have an obsessive personality lol but I have to admit the opening paragraph didnt grab me. However, I would read this one based on the the beautiful video!

  15. that was an interesting first paragraph. I think I'd keep reading.

  16. Just based on that paragraph, I am not sure if I would continue. It might take a few more pages to decide for sure!


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Happy Reading!