
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Explaining the name of my blog

I received an email today from a great friend who never really understood why my blog is titled, Life in the Thumb. Then she noticed (in the letter I sent her) the drawing I did of Michigan and where I made a little * of where I lived, which is the thumb area of Michigan.  So to further enlighten those who aren't familiar with Michigander's method of showing people where you live, I present to you the Hand Map of Michigan!

The X is where I live thus the name of my blog- Life in the Thumb!


  1. LOL! It took me a while too, but I figured it out.

  2. I remember when I showed my kids how to use their hands as a map for the first time!

  3. LOL!!! I never knew that either!!! very creative!! I'm not soooooooooooo lol lol...I've just been married a gazillion times and used my current TWO last names!!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. yep, the ol' Michigan Mitten. :)

  5. I knew exactly what you meant because I live in Port Huron...just below you! Happy to see a someone close by who loves reading as much as me!

  6. Where is Battle Creek? western MI? Why am I asking? It's on the short list for a potential move (clearly I haven't started the research process though) HA!

  7. This Michigander points to just under Ludington to show where in the State I live! I got it right away.

  8. Lol, well that is one cool way to do it

  9. LOL-I seriously think I live right around you!

  10. I thought it had something to do with books, but I couldn't figure it out!

  11. I love the title of your blog! I could call mine "Life Just South of the Thumb" but for some reason that doesn't just roll off the tongue as well.

  12. That's great! How cool to say that you live in the thumb!

  13. Diane: I found the map on the internet and then used Paint to mark the thumb area.

  14. I love using my hand as a map. I hope we don't move because I will definitely miss it!

  15. lol, I had no idea! I love it.

  16. I figured it out one day when I heard someone on tv (a ball game perhaps?) talking about the thumb, and I said right out loud that's where Staci is!

  17. Ha! I totally thought it had something to do with books. Like, using your thumb to keep your place in a book, or! I'm using my Canadian-ness as my excuse for not figure it out ;)

  18. Thanks for the explanation - I've been wondering what it meant too!

  19. lol-I have wondered where you got the name - makes perfect sense now.

  20. How fun :) When I met Jason he showed me where he was from on his hand and I thought he was a little weird. Not until we moved to Lansing that I realized everyone did it!

  21. Yeah - it took me a long time to connect your home to your blog's name. But when I did, I thought how clever it was!!

    My thumbs always get numb in my mittens so I'm always tucking them under Flint ;0)

  22. Cool... thanks for sharing that neat info. I never pondered the name, just knew I liked it.

  23. I know about the Michigan hand map although I don't live in Michigan. I live to the east of the base of the thumb, just across the river....

  24. I knew Michigan was shaped like a mitten and had heard of the thumb, but I do like your illustration. Very cute!

  25. I didn't see this when you posted it. I have no idea why I never figured out the name of your blog--duh!

  26. Got my attention - nice explanation.

  27. HaHa! The name of your blog is the reason I came over here! Love to see another Michigan blogger. I don't know what you'd call my area of the hand..."that part that's kinda like the heel of the thumb?!" LOL


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