
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Snapshot- Morning snow

Saturday Snapshot
It's easy to participate- just post a picture that was taken by
you, a friend, or a family member, and add your link
on Alyce's site. (no pictures from the internet!)

photo taken with iPhone 4 camera

Last weekend brought around 9 inches of snow to my neck-of-the-woods and the next morning everything had that crystallized look to it. I put on my husband's boots and clomped around outside take pics with my phone. I really like how this one turned out. I did lighten it a bit in the editing process on PicMonkey because the upper left hand corner was too dark. If you click on the photo to make it bigger you can see the crystallized snow much better. This is a tree out in my yard that still has some red berries on it which if you look closely you can see!!


  1. They're saying we might get some snow today, which will amount to a flake or two.

  2. Gorgeous photo. Just the right contrasts with the sun, crystal snow and the red berries. Here's Mine
    Plus, my novel is free on Kindle this weekend if you'd be willing to download it -- The Summer of France

  3. Wow, I can't believe this is a phone pic. It's great!

  4. It's so pretty, Staci. I like that you can see the blue sky and the red berries.

  5. Gorgeous shot! There is nothing more glorious than snow on branches or on any surface. Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  6. It just started snowing, lightly. No crystals yet. Dramatic photo with the light!

  7. So beautiful - can't believe you took it with your phone!

  8. Pretty - we were dumped on last weekend too but I do not recall the beauty that you have in your picture... I was just crabby about all the snow :)

  9. Brrrr....but beautiful! I am so jealous of all your snow days. I had a week off, but it was due to illness so not as fun as snow days. :)

  10. That's an awful lot of snow. We had more snow this week, but it was wet and slushy, and din't settle. I may have to see if it's available on

  11. Ooops! should say My Snapshot is at

  12. Wow, that's a fantastic shot! Beautiful!

  13. So very pretty -- such a true winter wonderland! I can only imagine what it's like to trudge through the ice and snow. Here in New Orleans, the blooms are just beginning to peek and all the delicate pinks and purples of azaleas and Japanese magnolia trees are budding. Such a different world! :)

  14. Really beautiful, Staci! Love the brilliance of the sunshine coming around those branches!

  15. Beautiful picture. I slightly envy your neck of the woods because I enjoy snow and we have had none. Icy sleet, that's it!
    Enjoy that beautiful nature :)

  16. Beautiful! Every time I look at how gorgeous snow makes everything, it reminds me why I don't move away from it.

  17. Our snow is gone, it's cold and windy here today (I loathe wind).

    Keep your snowy pic posted to instagram!

  18. I love your snow pics. Everything looks so fresh and new. It was 85 yesterday where I am and tomorrow it's supposed to drop to 31 with a chance of snow! How can that be?

  19. so pretty!! does spring come late in your neck of the woods?? ... so much snow still lol

  20. Beautiful, Staci! We got lots of snow today, you?

  21. Lovely photo, Staci! We got quite a bit of snow here this week. More on the way tomorrow and Monday. Only 2 weeks until Day Light Savings Time. Spring is almost here!!


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