
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

'A Heart Revealed: Winds of Change Book 2' by Julie Lessman

Winds of Change Series - Book 2

The ring on her hand belongs to one man …
but her heart belongs to another.
As a battered woman, Emma Malloy fled Dublin for Boston ten years ago, seeking shelter for a heart badly bruised by both her husband and guilt. But when she falls in love with Sean O’Connor, a man who wrestles with demons of his own, fear and shame almost destroy her … until she is finally set free by a heart revealed.

1.) Reasons you chose this book
I read the first one in the series, A Hope Undaunted (my review) and absolutely loved the main character and her story. Agreeing to read/review this one when contacted by the publishing company was a no-brainer!

2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book
I absolutely loved this story. This genre, which I call my gentle reads (instead of inspirational fiction) just keeps getting better as the authors understand that the way to a reader's heart is not to pummel them with biblical quotes and lectures, but rather by allowing their characters to be human. To make mistakes, to stumble and fall, to question their faith and to question the existence of God.  I think Julie Lessman does a great job balancing her writing and keeping the reader engaged. I'm so very happy that she portrays marriages in such a realistic fashion too. She gives the reader just enough spice to make the story believable. I love the family dynamics and how they interact with each other.  

3.) Reasons you are recommending this book
 I know some of you don't read Christian/Inspirational fiction because you believe that it may be Bible thumping time when you crack open a book of this nature, but if you've been considering giving this genre a chance I would not hesitate to direct you towards Julie Lessman's books. She has that special knack of drawing the reader into her character's lives... and you'll be glad you got the chance to know them!

Rating: 8.5/10

Published: September 1, 2011
Publisher: Revell-division of Baker Publishing Group
Pages: 503
Genre: Inspirational Historical Fiction (Gentle Read)
ISBN:  9780800734169
“Available September 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

Book one of this series, A Hope Undaunted
is free to download until the end of the month! 
Kindle- click here
Nook- click here

Disclaimer:Thank you to the author and Revell Publishing for sending me a review copy. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist.They are my personal reflections based solely on MYexperience while reading this novel.

© 2011, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Compared to some of the other fads in covers, I like this one...

  2. I love the way you described this genre and while I have not read any Christan fiction since the Lahaye and Jenkins series this sounds lovely. Also thanks for introducing me to the Three Reason Review format. I used it for the first time yesterday and it was great!

  3. This sounds really good! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. This sounds like a series I just may have to start! And I love the cover, EVEN THOUGH they ACTUALLY show a woman's HEAD!!!!

  5. These types of "gentle reads" are the ones I would enjoy rather than those overly preachy ones. Thanks for a great review.

  6. Some of the better Christian/inspirational fiction is when you hardly realize it is in that genre - it's just a good solid story. Fiction that is overly preachy and in your face turns me right off. If I want a sermon, I'll go to church. I'm off to check out your link. Great review as always, Staci!!

  7. Glad to hear this book isn't preachy. That's one of the reasons I stopped reading Christian fiction.

  8. I will take your word for it. The next time I am ready for CF I will check out this series.

  9. Staci, I loved this review. The format was nice and it gave just enough info. I've meant to read the earlier book in this series and will try to get to it soon. By the way, that earlier book, A HOPE UNDAUNTED, is a free book on Kindle right now. Just saying...

    I also loved that you described these books as "gentle reads". I think that "inspriational" fiction has come a long, long way, don't you? Thanks for highlighting it!!

  10. This does sound good Staci and I remember seeing the other one on Kindle but thinking I may not like it. I think I'll go download it after your comments on this one.

  11. *raises hand* Yes that is me in a nutshell, i do not want preaching when I am reading and I do fear books like that cos of it. But I should give a book a chance since I do know, well have heard that not all are like that

  12. I am so glad that you mentioned how realistic Julie is with her characters. I love that as well, you can relate to these characters as they struggle with life.

  13. this book sounds really good :) I like Christian Fiction.

  14. STACI!! WOW, what a GREAT review -- thank you SO very much!! And THANK YOU for even taking the time to download AHU and read AHR -- MUCH appreciated.


  15. I just downloaded the first book. Thank you for letting me know. If I like it, I'll get this one next. Glad you liked it.

  16. Terrific review Staci! I don't mind reading Christian fiction at all and in fact, sometimes its just what we need, even if we don't know it. I'm really glad you enjoyed this book so much.

  17. I want that outfit she's wearing on the cover! Seriously, I'm a hat girl and I want it :)
    I don't read gentle reads often enough but I do usually like them when I do. Probably because I'm so picky!
    This series sounds good.

  18. I think this cover is pretty stunning for some reason. Glad u enjoyed this one Staci.

  19. I would completely have passed this one up if it had been introduced to me as Christian fiction for the very reason you said that readers shy away from that genre. I'm not the least bit opposed to a book that deals with faith but I prefer it to be dealt with in the same way that I prefer my church to deal with it.


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