
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Let the 24 Hour Read-a-Thon begin!!

Plans for today:
  • Start my morning off right with some coffee, blueberry muffins, and a little Darcy on the side!
  • Running to the greenhouse to pick up a corsage and then to the library
  • Make Tuscan Bean soup and get in some more reading
  • Watch the Michigan vs. Michigan State game- Go Spartans!
  • Take my son to a friend's house where all the boys and girls are meeting up before the Homecoming Dance tonight. They're having dinner. I will take lots of photos!!
  • See my husband off to work and get back to reading.
  • Popping in every once in a while to see how my buddies are doing!!


  1. Have a great day, Staci! I'm making Tuscan Bean Soup today, too.

  2. Looks like you have a very busy, but fun, day planned. With that picture of Bruce in your sidebar it looks like he's trying to take of like of your muffins. :)

  3. Sounds like a terrific fall Saturday! Have a great time :)

  4. A little Darcy on the side sounds like an excellent plan ;)

  5. Tuscan Bean Soup? Sounds yummy. Have a great day. Sounds like you will get in plenty of reading in spite of all your errands.

  6. Oh the places you will go today
    The people you will meet
    Your books will be your gateway
    Adventure your retreat.

    And if I may, I’ll follow
    As you read and read so more
    Until this day turns to the morrow
    Cheering you on with a loud exuberant roar!

    Thought I'd bring some of my cheer here. Hope you enjoy Mr. Darcy and The Spartans win.

  7. Just popping in to cheer you on today! Blueberry muffins and Mr. Darcy sound like the perfect way to start out a day!

  8. Go Spartans!!

    "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." - Joseph Addison
    Have a great workout today :)

  9. I knew I liked you Staci! Go Spartans. We are in Seattle today and have to take a break from tourist stuff to watch. Enjoy the reading you get in today!

  10. Good luck today! Wish I could come over for some SOUP :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  11. Love the photo! It looks so cozy!

  12. (Non)traditional Buddhist readathon blessing:

    Just as the books fill the shelves,
    Pile together on the floor and stack up on the table
    So may the joy of the readathon
    Flow forth to brighten your day and lift your spirit.
    Books already read, books in progress and books yet to be read.

    By the power of every word on the page
    May your book be delightful,
    As scary as Lovecraft’s Cthulhu
    Or as sweet as a box of See’s candy.

    Let the power of the images evoked by words
    Keep you stay awake long through the night
    May no obstacle impede
    Your day filled with books.

    For all of those who are reading today
    Who follow in the path of Dewey
    May your day be filled with the four blessings
    Of fabulous books, tasty snacks, comfy chairs and joy.

  13. The party’s just starting to pop
    And you’re already having fun.
    Don’t let the momentum stop
    And get some reading done!

    Reaching through my screen to steal your muffins. YUM. Enjoy your day. :)

  14. Going to be the voice of dissent...

    GO BLUE! ;o)

  15. looks like your weekend was rather busy without the read-a-thon! I see you have an e-reader. What kind is it and do you like it?


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Happy Reading!