
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

'The House' by Anjuelle Floyd

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

About: (From author's website)
On receiving the very thing she wants—a divorce and the power to sell their house—over which they have fought the past year—Anna Manning learns that Edward, her soon-to-be ex-husband is dying from cancer.

Why I wanted to read this book:

  • I was contacted by the author to see if I would like to read and review her book. I'm always interested in reading new authors so I welcomed the opportunity.
What worked for me:
  •  The storyline drew me in and made me think what would I do in that situation. I can say that if I was married to the person as long as this character was I think I would have done the same thing.
  • The drama between the family members felt very real. Especially the kids taking sides and going so far as to halt all communication with the other parent.
What didn't work for me:
  • As hard as I tried I just never felt connected to Anna. I liked her but that wasn't enough for me to really enjoy this book.
  • I had a hard time feeling compassion for the dying husband. He held on to his bitterness way too long for me to feel sympathy.
  • I felt that the emotions were still on the surface level. The author needed to go deeper for me.
Recommend?  This isn't a book that I would rave about to my friends. I didn't feel satisfied when I finished reading it and not connecting with any of the characters just turned me off. I feel extremely bad about how this book turned out for me, because I know how much time, love, and devotion this author poured into her story. Please keep in mind that this is just my opinion. I would read this author again because I believe in second chances.

My Rating: 2.75/5

Because of my low rating I feel the need to post links from other blogger's who read this one and enjoyed it. Please visit this site so that you get a balanced look at this novel. (if you've read/reviewed this one please send me your link!)
Mind Fog Reviews rated this one 5/5

Source:  the author, Anjuelle Floyd
The House
By Anjuelle Floyd

© 2010, Staci of Life in the Thumb. All Rights Reserved. If you reading this on a site other than, Life in the Thumb or Staci's feed, be aware that this post has been stolen and is used without permission.


  1. Sorry this one was a bomb. I hadn't heard of it, so unlikely I'll be reading it. Hope your next book is much better.

  2. That connection has to be there, doesn't it? I'm realizing that more and more. Sorry it wasn't what you had hoped.

  3. Its sounds like a really great synopsis....bummer it didn't turn out better for you!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Nice of you to read and review the book even with misgivings. I've read so many books that I didn't take to, only to find that there are others who liked them. Hope you get responses from other readers.

  5. Every book can't work for everyone. Too bad this wasn't for you. I like how you always provide a link to another opinion when you don't like something. Very fair.

  6. I know just how you feel. It feels bad sometimes not to connect with a book when you know how much it means to an author! I'm sure they understand not everyone feels the same about everything - after all, they must react to books the same way!!!

  7. I like how you are always willing to give a book a shot and I appreciate your honest evaluations.

  8. You did a fair job of reading and reviewing this book. I was with you all the way until What Didn't Work. You gave it a good effort but some books just don't work.

  9. I don't know if I would have been drawn to this book anyway, so your review just kind of confirms that.

    The hardest reviews for me to write are those for a book that an author has sent to me and then I haven't liked the book at all. I like that you linked to other reviews.

  10. I do like when you post reviews from people who have really liked it :) Gotta have both sides before I make up my mind

  11. The premise seems like a difficult one to handle. On the one hand I think some authors might go overboard with the emotions or like you felt maybe didn't go deep enough. A fair and honest review though and that is what keeps me coming back for more.

  12. Too bad you didn't really connect with this one. I have this book as well although I haven't had a chance to read it yet.

  13. It's hard to like an overly bitter character. I'm sorry this one didn't work for you, Staci.

  14. Even though you didn't really like the book, you did a great review on it!

  15. Thanks for the honest review Staci. When a character doesn't appeal to you, it can color your view of the entire book.

  16. Even when I'm not sure a book is really up my alley and even when you don't even particularly like a book, I still enjoy reading your reviews. Always. :D

  17. I really like the story line too bad that it did not live up to your expectations...

  18. Thanks! for sharing this, even if you didn't like the book.

  19. The synopsis appeals to me but you really need a connection with the main characters ... love or hate!

    Very fair including link to a blogger who loved the book.


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