
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Library Loot - May 20

Library Loot hosted by Eva and Alessandra
asks us to list what we brought home from
the library this week.

I've been good....very good!!!! But even though I haven't been adding a lot to the loot pile it doesn't seem as if I'm getting through them fast enough. These additions were two more holds that came in for me. I had to pick them up because I feel that it would've been rude not to!! Sounds like a good excuse doesn't it!!?

Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber
---finally I have someone to blame again for getting this book. The Story Siren's blog is a YA lover's heaven, plus I read her reviews on Goodreads. This one is all her fault!

A Guide to the Birds of East Africa by Nicholas Drayson
--I think I read about this book from a Barnes and Noble Fall Reading Recommendation flyer.
I love the cover and it does sound pretty good.

To Read List Total today 5/20/2009: 753
Last Week's To Read List total 513/2009: 744
Books Read in 2009 to date: 72
Number of Books Checked out from the library: 23 still holding on that number!!!


  1. Only two?? Such restraint ;-)

  2. Yup, only two for me this week too :)
    And I who was supposed to be reading my own books lol

  3. Both of those look good - I hope you enjoy them!

  4. I'm on a bit of a ban from the library right now as I want to dig a bit more into my stacks. I don't know how much longer I can hold out though :)

    A Guide to the Birds of East Africa is also on my list. I can't remember where I first heard about that but it looks good.

  5. lol-You have been good. I love that title-Death by Bikini.

  6. Only 2 for me too this week. I'm hoping to get some serious reading done during the long holiday weekend.

  7. The cover of Death By Bikini cracks me up every time I see it. Definitely made to catch your eye!

  8. I know! I have my arrivals down to a good level and I am reading less!

  9. I can't keep up with my library pile but it doesn't seem to stop me :) These both sound interesting for different reasons and I'll be interested to hear your thoughts when you finish!

  10. Just wanted to let you know that you won a copy of The Midwife. Send me your snail mail address and I'll get in it the mail asap. My email is lscher at neb dot rr dot com.

  11. I kept expecting to scroll and there's only TWO!?!?!? LOL LOL LOL!!! These look like great books! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  12. Not too bad on the loot. You'll get through them eventually :)

  13. Oh Staci, that is so funny, "it would've been rude not to"! I had to laugh because I know what you mean..after all they go through all that trouble of holding the book and notifying you..who wants to say "sorry, not interested right now"! :D

  14. I love the stats at the end! You are a terrific list maker, Staci!!


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