
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Book 2 Finished

Book 2: I Hadn't Meant to Tell You This
Started: 4:30
Finished: 6:50
Pages: 115
Quick Thoughts:
Woodson has written another great novel about the precarious relationship between a black girl and a white girl. Against her father's wishes Marie makes friends with the poor white girl Lena and together they learn how to trust each other.


  1. I must be getting slap happy because now I feel like I have to cheer on all of my posts!!

  2. Looks like a really good book! I put it on my TBR list.

  3. I got that one out from the library one time, but had to return it before I got a chance to read it. Think I need to check it out again.

  4. I like the cover illustration

    thanks for posting your thoughts



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Happy Reading!